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Live at the BeJazz Club, Bern, 2019

Peter Schärli Big Trio

Live at the BeJazz Club, Bern, 2019

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: TCB The Montreux Jazz Label
UPC: 0725095372022
Catnr: TCB 37202
Release date: 10 March 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
TCB The Montreux Jazz Label
Catalogue number
TCB 37202
Release date
10 March 2023

About the album

“Traditional” is what Peter Schärli calls the music on this CD. But what does “traditional” mean?

It’s about keeping something going that’s in danger of fading into oblivion and disappearing. Something that we lose track of because our horizons narrow, because, in our insensate rush forward, we look or listen in only one direction, losing the vast expanse of possibilities from our view and hearing. A little distance makes it easier to see how ridiculous our non-stop focus on optimization – which also means non-stop neglect – really is.

We have realized by now that the ceaseless claim of unconditioned, absolute novelty in the arts has proven to be rather inflated and hubristic. Even literature knows only few topics, and that’s why art is less about inventing and much more about translating, interpreting, and varying over and over again. (Even the destruction of something pre-existing is bound to this pre-existing something.) “Nothing of what is said is new, nothing of what is meant comes from nowhere,” observed literary scholar George Steiner. And historian of art Ernst Gombrich stated: “Even the greatest artist needs an idiom for his work. Only the tradition he finds can provide him with the raw material of images he needs.” Philosopher Odo Marquard put it in a nutshell: “Any future needs a past.”

So, the crucial thing is how we deal with what we encounter. Anyone who thinks that Peter Schärli and his group – in this case – are attempting to turn back the clock and escape from the present, is mistaken. The music on this CD is not about turning away from the here and now, but about connecting the here and now to a timeless flow. It’s called culture.

And that’s why there’s another, less abstract reason for listening to this music.

The musicians playing here have built a relationship and mutual trust over many years of working together, of searching for their own “sound”, their own “language” – far from any affectation or artificial posing. They take all the time they need to develop their songs with calm and serenity. They breathe freely – in a breathless, hectic time. They are looking for moderation in our immoderateness. And in doing so, they oppose the categorical imperative of our achievement-oriented society not to “waste” time.

Just listen to Nina Simone’s song “Four Women”. Is it outdated? Obsolete? – Certainly not! The present interpretation creates a mood that enables us to pause, to engage in encounters. This is skilful interaction taken from another time. Music that can, rather than must (because “must” would be a totalitarian approach).

Nothing more needs to be said. This music speaks for itself…
"Traditionell" nennt Peter Schärli die Musik auf dieser CD. Aber was bedeutet "traditionell"? Es geht darum, etwas am Leben zu erhalten, das in Gefahr ist, in Vergessenheit zu geraten und zu verschwinden. Etwas, das wir aus den Augen verlieren, weil sich unser Horizont verengt, weil wir in unserem besinnungslosen Vorwärtsdrängen nur in eine Richtung schauen oder hören und dabei die Weite der Möglichkeiten aus dem Blick und aus dem Ohr verlieren. Mit ein wenig Abstand fällt es leichter zu erkennen, wie lächerlich unser ständiges Streben nach Optimierung - das auch ein ständiges Vernachlässigen bedeutet - eigentlich ist. Wir haben inzwischen erkannt, dass sich der unablässige Anspruch auf unbedingte, absolute Neuheit in den Künsten als ziemlich aufgeblasen und anmaßend erwiesen hat. Auch die Literatur kennt nur wenige Themen, und deshalb geht es in der Kunst weniger um das Erfinden als vielmehr um das Übersetzen, Interpretieren und immer wieder Variieren. (Auch die Zerstörung von etwas Vorhandenem ist an dieses Vorhandene gebunden.) "Nichts von dem, was gesagt wird, ist neu, nichts von dem, was gemeint ist, kommt aus dem Nichts", hat der Literaturwissenschaftler George Steiner beobachtet. Und der Kunsthistoriker Ernst Gombrich stellte fest: "Auch der größte Künstler braucht eine Sprache für sein Werk. Nur die Tradition, die er vorfindet, kann ihm das Rohmaterial der Bilder liefern, die er braucht." Der Philosoph Odo Marquard hat es auf den Punkt gebracht: "Jede Zukunft braucht eine Vergangenheit." Es kommt also darauf an, wie wir mit dem umgehen, was uns begegnet. Wer glaubt, dass Peter Schärli und seine Gruppe - in diesem Fall - versuchen, die Zeit zurückzudrehen und der Gegenwart zu entfliehen, der irrt. Bei der Musik auf dieser CD geht es nicht um die Abkehr vom Hier und Jetzt, sondern um die Verbindung des Hier und Jetzt mit einem zeitlosen Fluss. Das nennt man Kultur. Und deshalb gibt es einen weiteren, weniger abstrakten Grund, diese Musik zu hören. Die Musiker, die hier spielen, haben in jahrelanger Zusammenarbeit eine Beziehung und gegenseitiges Vertrauen aufgebaut, auf der Suche nach ihrem eigenen "Klang", ihrer eigenen "Sprache" - fernab von jeglicher Affektiertheit oder künstlichem Gepose. Sie nehmen sich alle Zeit, die sie brauchen, um ihre Songs mit Ruhe und Gelassenheit zu entwickeln. Sie atmen frei - in einer atemlosen, hektischen Zeit. Sie suchen die Mäßigung in unserer Maßlosigkeit. Und sie stellen sich damit gegen den kategorischen Imperativ unserer Leistungsgesellschaft, keine Zeit zu "verschwenden". Man höre sich nur Nina Simones Lied "Four Women" an. Ist es veraltet? Obsolet? - Mitnichten! Die vorliegende Interpretation schafft eine Stimmung, die es uns ermöglicht, innezuhalten, uns auf Begegnungen einzulassen. Das ist ein gekonntes Zusammenspiel aus einer anderen Zeit. Musik, die kann und nicht muss (denn "muss" wäre ein totalitärer Ansatz). Mehr braucht man nicht zu sagen. Diese Musik spricht für sich selbst...


Peter Schärli (trumpet)

Peter Schärli trumpeter / composer / bandleader, teacher at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, born in Schötz LU. He began to play the trumpet at the age of ten. He studied at the Swiss Jazz School in Berne and closed his studies in 1981. Since 1978 he has been working as a professional musician and has played with many different artists and bands, nationally and internationally, in various contexts and styles: Stella Rambisai Chiweshe, Irène Schweizer, Sandy Patton, Dom Um Romão, Burhan Oeçal, Fredy Studer, Tony Marsh, Pierre Favre, Lucas Niggli, Gerry Hemingway, Peter Kowald, Christian Weber, Vince Benedetti, Uli Scherer, Christy Doran, Rick Margitza, Hans Koch, Macanda McIntyre, Joe McPhee, Johannes Bauer, Paul Rutherford... 'Jerry Dental Kollekdoof'...
Peter Schärli trumpeter / composer / bandleader, teacher at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, born in Schötz LU. He began to play the trumpet at the age of ten.
He studied at the Swiss Jazz School in Berne and closed his studies in 1981. Since 1978 he has been working as a professional musician and has played with many different artists and bands, nationally and internationally, in various contexts and styles: Stella Rambisai Chiweshe, Irène Schweizer, Sandy Patton, Dom Um Romão, Burhan Oeçal, Fredy Studer, Tony Marsh, Pierre Favre, Lucas Niggli, Gerry Hemingway, Peter Kowald, Christian Weber, Vince Benedetti, Uli Scherer, Christy Doran, Rick Margitza, Hans Koch, Macanda McIntyre, Joe McPhee, Johannes Bauer, Paul Rutherford... "Jerry Dental Kollekdoof" (music theater), "Cameleon" (salsa), "Steel Pulse" (reggae), "Conelli" und "Roncalli" (circus), "Federlos" (circus theater), "Legfek Orchester" by Urs Blöchlinger, "Le Phils Ocean Park" by Roland Philipp, "European Chaos String Quintet", Michel Wintsch and "Road Movie featuring Gerry Hemingway", "Donat Fisch Quartett", soloist in projects by Daniel Ott, "erb_gut featuring Peter Schärli", "Orkester Ben Jeger", "Root Down" by Tommy Meyer... Peter Schärli has played at music and theater festivals in Europe, India, the former USSR, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Burkina Faso, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia. Currently he mostly works with his own bands: "Peter Schärli Trio featuring Glenn Ferris" (Glenn Ferris, Hans-Peter Pfammatter, Thomas Dürst, Peter Schärli), "Schärli -Moreira-Feigenwinter", "Sound Experience" (Lauren Newton, Sylwia Zytynska, Jean-Jacques Pedretti, Peter Schärli) and "Peter Schärli: Don’t Change Your Hair For Me" (Sandy Patton, Antonia Giordano, Thomas Dürst, Peter Schärli). As a sideman he presently plays with "Roberto Domeniconi >>Vierklang", "Der Grosse Bär", the "Federlosband" by Co Streiff, "Jazzinteam" by Gitte Deubelbeiss etc. He has also cooperated as a composer and/or trumpet player in several theaters, circusses, films and radio plays. Peter Schärli teaches music at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts where he began instructing in 1981.


Glenn Ferris (trombone)

Sandy Patton (vocals)

Sandy Patton is the former Jazz Vocal Professor for the Jazz Department of the Hochschule der Künst in Bern, Switzerland.  Her tenure of 18 years was quite distinguished.  She studied voice at Howard University in Washington, D.C. and University of Miami, also touring with the University of Miami’s Jazz Orchestra.  Before joining the Swiss Jazz School she had performed with some of great “Who’s Who” of Jazz.  She toured with the great Lionel Hampton’s, performed with Dizzy Gillespie, Paquito D’Rivera, Jimmy Woody, Al Grey, Benny Baily,  Harry “Sweet’s” Edison, Clark Terry, Buddy Tate, Paul Kuhn, Cab Calloway, Bobby Durham, Frank Owens, Bob Cranshaw just to name a few.
Sandy Patton is the former Jazz Vocal Professor for the Jazz Department of the Hochschule der Künst in Bern, Switzerland. Her tenure of 18 years was quite distinguished. She studied voice at Howard University in Washington, D.C. and University of Miami, also touring with the University of Miami’s Jazz Orchestra. Before joining the Swiss Jazz School she had performed with some of great “Who’s Who” of Jazz. She toured with the great Lionel Hampton’s, performed with Dizzy Gillespie, Paquito D’Rivera, Jimmy Woody, Al Grey, Benny Baily, Harry “Sweet’s” Edison, Clark Terry, Buddy Tate, Paul Kuhn, Cab Calloway, Bobby Durham, Frank Owens, Bob Cranshaw just to name a few.




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